Why clean Green?
We spend so much time these days looking for ways to eliminate toxic chemicals from our diet and beauty products—but we must not forget to consider the cleaning products we use in our homes.
To ensure that the air and surfaces in your home are healthy, Kontra Cleaning turns to green cleaning products.
Indoor Air Quality
Would you be surprised to learn that the indoor air quality in your home may be up to 2-5 times more toxic than outdoor air? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, that is often the case.
Since the average person spends 90% of their time indoors, the increased likelihood of health concerns related to indoor toxins is high. These health concerns include ongoing, or an increased presence of:
Dry eyes, nose, throat, skin
Green Clean—Quality Cleaning Without The Toxins
If you have turned to green cleaning products in the past, but have been disappointed with their results—then you will be happy to know that green cleaning has come a long way!
At Kontra Cleaning we turn to cleaning tools that make quality cleaning faster and easier to achieve—as well as green cleansers that clean, sanitize, and make your home sparkle and shine.
This means that you will have the clean and sanitized home you require, without increasing your family’s exposure to toxins and indoor pollutants.
That’s why we use Green cleaning products from Better Life. More info Here.
Seventh Generation. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Available Here.
Schedule a Consultation with One of Our Green Cleaning Experts Now!
Learn More How to Get Your House cleaned without Toxic chemicals.
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We Love Clean -The Kontra Cleaning LLC is based in Yardley,PA 19067
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